Our chefs have crafted this kimchi with the utmost respect for Korean heritage while still pushing the envelope with flavor. That’s what we do. Our proprietary blend of yeast and bacteria cultures hoist our kimchi to new heights, where taste buds will find a satisfying umami and a sharp acidity. It’ll brighten your fridge, light up your taste buds and soothe your beer-laden belly.
We begin our process with napa cabbage, which is hand cut, mixed with a beautiful sludge of salt, chile paste, spices and so on. While the cabbage begins its fermentation, a separate amalgamation of ingredients are introduced into a solution alongside our blend of cultures. There are dozens of individual strains of yeast and bacteria in our brine. Many from collaboration beers with breweries around Colorado and across the country. Some of the most expressive flavors are coming from Lactobacillus Brevis (meyer lemon), Brettanomyces Claussenii (unripe passion fruit) and French Saison (peppercorn).
Napa cabbage, water, salt, gochujang, soybeans, soy, sugar, malt, wheat, red chili, garlic, onion, acetobacter, yeast, lactobacillus, spices
How To Buy:
16oz jars can be found at select specialty food shops, liquor stores and breweries around Denver. 2 gallon tubs available for wholesale at restaurants. If you need some for your establishment, request an order below.
So, what is fermented food anyway?
When we experiment with fermented ingredients, our goal is to approach the apex of flavor.We want your taste buds to beg for more, like a hungry puppy salivating in anticipation of a juicy hunk of raw meat. Each product we create comes from countless hours with chefs and brewers, deciding how to enhance even the smallest tasting note.
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