
Coming Soon!

No sodium bisulfite or xantham gum to be found in our version of sriracha. The stars of this hot sauce are chiles, garlic and of course, yeast. Brettanomyces to be exact. This family of wild and veracious strains will “eat” anything. These little buggers can handle the heat of the chiles, ferment fully and bring their own fruity and funky flavor characteristics to play.

  • Coming soon to Denver area restaurants, specialty food shops, liquor stores and breweries near you.

So, what is fermented food anyway?

When we experiment with fermented ingredients, our goal is to approach the apex of flavor.We want your taste buds to beg for more, like a hungry puppy salivating in anticipation of a juicy hunk of raw meat. Each product we create comes from countless hours with chefs and brewers, deciding how to enhance even the smallest tasting note.

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We are Chef owned and crafted in Colorado highlighting the very best flavor possibilities of fermentation. For updates on all the ways to get your fix of fermented products, foods, and happenings with Brewed Food, sign up here.
